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The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women

COVID-19 Resources

BPW She-Cession to She-Covery Webinars

She-cession to She-covery: The COVID-19 Impact on BPW Members Across Canada – Files – May 5, 2021

On December 9, 2020, BPW International hosted a webinar, “She-cession to She-Covery: The Impact of COVID-19 on Woman Around the World”. The webinar was organized with assistance from BPW Canada and BPW London.
Below is the recording of the December webinar.

On May 5, 2021, BPW Canada hosted, in collaboration with BPW London,  a follow-up webinar: “She-cession to She-covery: The COVID-19 Impact on BPW members Across Canada“.

The webinar included the results of The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on BPW Canada Members Survey as well as the following speakers from BPW clubs across Canada:
  • The Heroine Campaign: Luiza Grecu, BPW Montreal
  • Supporting Programs in the Community and Buying from Members: Lynne Taylor and Marilena Crupi, BPW Brampton
  • Online Auction and Support of Local Women-Owned Businesses: Toby Toth, BPW Hastings & Prince Edward
  • Monthly Networking Project: Kim Gilbert, BPW Saskatoon

Webinar Moderator: Kathryn Munn, BPW London
Technical/Q & A Moderator: Lisa Conley, BPW London

Due to technical difficulties, the webinar was not recorded but we do have the following files that were presented during the session.

She-cession to She-Covery: The Impact of COVID-19 on Woman Around the World Webinar Recording – December 9, 2020

Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) In a Post-COVID World Webinar - PowerPoint - April 24, 2021

BPW Canada partnered with the Canadian Coalition to Empower Women (CCEW) and BPW UK in a webinar: Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) In a Post-COVID World. BPW Canada members, Doris Hall (BPW London and BPW Canada WEPs Chair) and Sheila Crook (BPW Bowmanville and BPW Canada Women’s Empowerment Coach) were the featured presenters.

Click here or on the image below to view their PowerPoint Presentation.

There is a lot of COVID-19 resources available and BPW Canada wants to ensure our members have access to all of it. If you find additional resources to add to this webpage please email [email protected].

Canadian Business Reliance Network


April 6, 2020: The Prime Minister announced that The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has established the Canadian Business Resilience Network (CBRN) in partnership with the Government of Canada to help the business community prepare, persevere and, ultimately, prosper in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Racism in Response to COVID-19

Canadian Human Rights Commission Statement – Racism in response to COVID-19 harms us all 

April 8, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario – Canadian Human Rights Commission

Since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020, there has been a rise in racism in Canada and around the world. In light of this disturbing trend, Marie-Claude Landry, Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission issues the following statement:

“The Canadian Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned by the rise of racism across Canada since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Message from Governor General Julie Payette

April 29, 2020 – Excerpt from message to organization with Viceregal Patronage.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, you are facing a historic and unprecedented challenge alongside people and organizations from around the world. And you are tackling it head-on.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything and it is affecting every aspect of our society. This invisible enemy is scary and strong, and it has forced us to change the way we live. It calls on each of us to sacrifice our freedom of movement and to accept demanding conditions. In many cases, at great cost.

To defeat the virus, it requires all of us to do our part. Every single one of us. No doubt you are already doing all you can. But what more can we do?

Let’s encourage: Continue to support everyone helping Canadians during the pandemic. The office of the governor general is proud to play a part in raising awareness and giving thanks. Please lend your voice too.

Let’s amplify: We can reach out to Canadians by relaying official information and instructions. I invite you to visit and to share our content, particularly how organizations are making a difference in our communities.

Let’s be grateful: One cannot choose when hardship comes, but one can choose how to respond to it in times of crisis. Please visit Caring Nation, our new online forum, to contribute stories of solidarity and compassion from all over the country.

We are now steadfastly staying the course. It will take time, but when we return to brighter days, we will look back on these challenging times and realize that because we all did our part, we emerged stronger as a nation. Our collective resilience will lead to our collective victory.

In the meantime, as we hold the line, let us focus not on what we cannot control, but on the news that give us hope.

Please stay in touch. Talk to us on social media @GGJuliePayette on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. And above all, stay safe and healthy.

We are all part of the fight against COVID-19.


Signal for Help Campaign Launches to Help People Experiencing Gender-Based Violence During Home Isolation

“Home isolation is fueling a rise in gender-based violence cases around the world. Devices are constantly monitored and checked by abusive partners, making it dangerous to text or call for help. Those who are at risk of violence at home, need a way to signal that they need help, without being overheard and without leaving a digital trace. During this time we have all seen an increase in video calls… ~ Source

BPW International

“Our objective of this plan is to unite the efforts of BPW Affiliates across the world and share the experiences and successful projects and activities done by BPW Affiliates to support our members facing the devastating effects of COVID 19. And advocate for policies to empower the women who are suffering from the brunt of this pandemic COVID 19. And to share the policies and the incentives done by the countries to support the women and girls at different levels and in different sectors.”

UN Women - COVID-19 Gender Update

COVID-19: Women Front and Centre


COVID-19: Women on the Frontlines