THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT BPW Canada supports the High Risk Offender Legislation in the following areas:1a) A Post Sentence Detention be introduced whereby the National Parole Board is able to apply to the courts to allow the dangerous offender provisions in the Criminal Code to be invoked late in the offenders sentence. (The National Parole Board must be satisfied that an offender is likely to commit an offence causing death or serious harm after the end of the original sentence. The offender could be referred to a court prior to the end of his/her sentence for possible continued detention under this new legislation.b) Sexual offender treatment and community supervision programs must also be intensified and strengthened.)2) A Serious Harm Definition for Sex Offenses Against Children be implemented, where sex offenders who have victimized children could be detained under the detention provisions until the end of their sentence. (The National Parole Board would only have to establish that an offence was committed and further harm to a child is likely upon release.)3a) The Sentence Calculation be tightened for offenders on conditional release who are convicted of new offenses. These offenders will be automatically returned to custody and will have to serve additional time before becoming eligible for conditional release.b) Education and communications programs will also be introduced for criminal justice personnel.FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT no sexual offenders should be transferred to a minimum security institution that does not have in place a Sexual Offenders Relapse Prevention Program; and further that the offenders satisfy the criteria and policies of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.