THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT BPW Canada urges the Government of Canada, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, the Minister of Health, the Minister for Families, Children and Social Development, and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, to work in conjunction with individual provinces, to increase resources (personnel and funding) for the purpose of providing nation-wide medical, psychological, trafficking trauma-informed counselling support, provision of basic needs (e.g. housing) and court support under the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking or its replacement so that the range, quality and timely delivery of traffic specific services is consistent and universal across Canada; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT BPW Canada urges the Government of Canada to ensure that any current and new funding related to research and data collection has necessary funding for the resulting needs required to connect victims with community resources and provision of support resources; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT BPW Canada urges the Government of Canada to provide resources for the coordination of intelligence with and dissemination of information to international and local partners and stakeholders involved in combatting Human Trafficking activities.