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The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women


BPW International

BPW International (BPWI) 2021 - 2024 Triennium

New Actions Through Cooperation

Dr. Catherine Bosshart
BPW International President: 2021 – 2024

Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla
BPW International Executive Secretary
BPW Canada’s Past-President (2016-2018)

BPW International Projects

“At Congress 2014 a resolution for the renewal of the BPW International Committees, Taskforces and Projects was adopted. A final proposition will be submitted at Congress 2020. During the PILOT phase (2014-2020) new tools such as the “BPW International Member Projects and Experts” were established. Projects which are recognized by BPW International provide the leaders with more visibility and importance.

Amany Asfour, BPW International President (2017 – 2020): “It gives me a great pleasure and honor to launch the BPW International Projects Booklet that includes BPW affiliates projects showing the contribution of the BPW affiliates to the Global Agenda of the World of the Sustainable Development Goals. It also shows our contribution to the Sustainable Development of our BPW International organization.

Click here to visit the Projects’ website. The website includes a list of Experts, including BPW Canada’s Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla (BPW Calgary). Jenny is listed as an Expert in the topics of Legislation, Society, Politics, Advocacy and UN, Partnerships, Cooperation.

Daniela Rigassi, a member of BPW Switzerland and administrator for BPW International’s Pilot Program on projects (2014-2020 pilot), provides an overview of BPW projects and how you can register your own as part of the program, click here.


“Renewal of the organization of Committees:

A Resolution or an Amendment to the Constitution will suggest new structures which will replace the former Committees not headed by Executive Board Members to create much more efficient structures and services. The project-performances of all our Federations and Clubs cannot longer be ignored and must become visible so that the international Executive Board can choose the different experts for specific tasks. To obtain valuable results the Project Chair and the Members must be on the same page and the current terms are not necessarily the best timeframe for specific tasks….

The Amendment to the Constitution or Resolution will be discussed on this platform one year before Congress 2020.

All members who are convinced that the old structures need to be replaced by new, better adapted and much more efficient ones are requested to promote and to support the new proposition before and at Congress.”


“Through the EVALUATION 2017 of the new services implemented by the Resolution 2014 an important gap was discovered. Why use only the overflow which means the projects of single members and let them profit from the leverage of BPW International? Why ignore the main performances of our organization, the many projects which are organized by Clubs and Federations? Previously, the Presidents of Federations and Associated Clubs have mentioned different projects in their Annual Reports which disappeared without special recognition in the archives. Therefore, a new tool will be established, the BPW Federation & Club Projects which will collect and install the projects done by Federations and Clubs. The collection of the Project titles done by Federations and Clubs is a basic and imperative tool not only for BPW International but for all organizational levels and members.” ~ Source

BPW Canada and the BPW International Taskforces

BPW International has several Taskforces chaired by BPW members across the globe. Click here to view a list of BPW International’s Taskforces.

BPW International and the International Trade Centre

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is fully dedicated to supporting the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It enables SMEs in developing and transition economies to become more competitive and connect to international markets for trade and investment, thus raising incomes and creating job opportunities, especially for women, young people, and poor communities. Established in 1964, the International Trade Centre, is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.

BPW International collaborates with ITC to promote “SheTrades” to create greater opportunities for women entrepreneurs and encourage BPW members to register, connect and trade with women-owned businesses.

SheTrades Global Initiative

  • SheTrades is ITC’s flagship initiative to empower women economically through trade.
  • Goal: Connect 1 million women to the market by 2020 through partnerships to build their skills and link them to trade and investment opportunities.
  • Plan: Influence change across seven pillars of action to expand opportunities for women entrepreneurs.
  • Web and Mobile Application: Enable women entrepreneurs to showcase their businesses, find partners, access trade information, and connect with markets on a free-to-use web and SheTrades mobile application.

Click here for more information on BPWI and ITC.

North American and Caribbean Region

BPW Canada is a member of the North American and Caribbean Region of BPW International.

Dawne E. Williams
BPW International Regional Coordinator: 2021 – 2024
North America and the Caribbean Region

Like the North American and Caribbean Region on Facebook.

BPW International Young BPW

BPW International executive includes a Young BPW Representative who represents the interests of those under 35 years of age.  If you’re 35 or younger this may be of great interest to you.  Visit BPW International’s Young BPW Web.

BPW International North America and the Caribbean Region’s Young BPW Representative is Natalie Baldwin.

Young BPW International Representative: 2021 – 2024

BPW International & United Nations

The Most Important Network

Under the emblem of the United Nations, BPW Representatives work
for different committees and organizations.

Global Goals

BPW Clubs

BPW Makes a World of Difference

CSW History & Explanation
