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The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women

BPW in the News

70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights/SDG Gala - August 2018

Two events were held as part of BPW Canada’s 46th Biennial National Convention held in Ottawa, ON August 10 – 12, 2018.

  • 70th Anniversary Celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – August 10
  • Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Gala to Advance the Global Goals – August 11

Click here to read the press release about the two events.

Click here to view photos from these two events and the Convention.

SDG Gala

Photo Credit: Newcomers in Ottawa – SDG Gala: Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla (Outgoing BPW Canada President), Senator Lillian Eva Dyck (SDG Gala Keynote Speaker), Dr. Amany Asfour (BPW International President)

BPW Montreal Re-Launch - May 2017

Click here to view more photos from BPW Montréal’s launch.
BPW Montréal's launch

Her Excellency Postovani Posjetioci, Bosnia Herzegovina, is accompanied by Minister Rita de Santis, Christine Poulin, President BPW Montreal, Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, President BPW Canada, and Her Excellency Ala Beleavschi, Ambassador of Moldova and President of the Association of Women Heads of Diplomatic Missions of Ottawa.

BPW Canada Centennial Award: 100 Years of Canadian Women’s Right to Vote - 2016

BPW Canada Centennial Award

100 recipients were honoured by BPW Canada with the BPW Canada Centennial Award to mark 100 years of Women’s Suffrage, 100 Years of Canadian Women’s Right to Vote. Learn more…

  • BPW Canada’s Press Release: 100 Years of Canadian Women’s Right to Vote: BPW Canada Centennial Gala Recognized 100 Organizations That Empower Women, August 25, 2016.
  • Carleton University’s Centre for Women in Politics and Public Leadership was honoured by the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) with the 2016 BPW Canada Centennial Recognition Award at the federation’s convention on August 13, 2016 in Calgary.” Read more…
  • Alberta Human Rights Commission – October 25, 2016: “Commission receives award: On August 13, 2016, the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) recognized the Alberta Human Rights Commission as one of the 100 organizations from across Canada to receive the 2016 BPW Canada Centennial Recognition Award to mark a Canadian milestone, the 100 years of women’s suffrage.”
  • Women’s groups celebrated at Calgary gala marking 100 years of suffrage in Alberta – CBC – August 14, 2016: “A group dedicated to empowering women in leadership honoured 100 women’s organizations at a gala in Calgary last night to mark the centennial anniversary of women’s suffrage.

    Alberta’s Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Lois Mitchell, gave the keynote address at the Canadian Federation for Business and Professional Women gala.

    She said women have been able to advance when they work together and support each other.” Read more…

Gender Wage Gap Steering Committee, Ontario - 2015

BPW Canada’s First Vice-President, Linda Davis, named to Ontario’s Gender Wage Gap Steering Committee.

Toronto Star, October 8, 2015: “…Gender Wage Gap Steering Committee that will soon begin holding province-wide public hearings and consultations with businesses to find ways to close the gap…The committee includes some high-powered, highly-qualified people including …Linda Davis, past-president of the Business and Professional Women’s Clubs of Ontario and a current board member of the Equal Pay Coalition. That alone speaks to the government’s seriousness to move on this issue.” Complete Article.

85th Anniversary of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women - 2015

BPW Canada’s Press Release: “On Friday August 7th, 2015 The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) will be celebrating its 85th anniversary during their annual general meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This year, a tour of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights happens to be on their agenda with the theme ‘Empowering Women – Strategies for the Prevention of Violence Against Women’…” Read more…

Global Champion for Women's Economic Empowerment - 2015, March 21, 2015: BPW Bowmanville member Sheila Crook “…national coach for women’s empowerment and the Canadian Coalition for Women’s Empowerment, has been named by UN Women as one of only five Canadian’s to become Global Champions For Women’s Economic Empowerment…

The nominations come after a month long rally where more than 600 applicants from all over the world advocated for women’s economic empowerment in several online and social media activities…

The 60 recently-nominated global community champions represent a diverse group of dynamic and enthusiastic women and men from the civil society, private sector, academia and national and international organizations from developing and developed countries…” Complete Article.

Government of Canada salutes BPW Canada: Women's Empowerment Principles - 2012

Government of Canada salutes BPW Canada for adopting and promoting Women’s Empowerment Principles, June 23, 2012: “On behalf of the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women, Susan Truppe, Member of Parliament (London North Centre) and Parliamentary Secretary for Status of Women, saluted the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada) for adopting and promoting the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), in partnership with BPW International, UN Women and the UN Global Compact.

The BPW Canada WEP Project is being launched at a gala event on June 23, at the organization’s National Convention, being held in London, from June 21 to 24, 2012.” Read more…

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