THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT BPW Canada urges the Federal Government to immediately take the following steps:a) Establish a procedure for the Minister of Justice, Canada and the Attorney General of each province to review the selection criteria for judicial appointments to ensure they do not directly or indirectly eliminate women from consideration.b) Establish a proactive scheme for judicial appointments which has the goal of increasing female representation on the Bench and, as the first recommended step toward attaining this goal, the representation of women in the judiciary be proportionate to their representation in the legal profession by the year 2000.c) Instruct the Minister of Justice, Canada and the Attorney General of each province to publish and distribute to the members of the legal profession throughout Canada the criteria for judicial appointments and the selection methods employed to ensure equal access for women.d) Instruct the Minister of Justice, Canada to require all federal court judges to receive training designed to make them aware of the subtle and overt manifestations of gender bias directed towards women lawyers, witnesses, and litigants, and receive training designed to emphasize the judge’s responsibility to control the atmosphere in the courtroom and intervene where legal counsel or other persons engage in gender-biased conduct.FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT, with the passing of this Resolution, Resolutions 1982-02, 1984-28 and 1988-29 be removed from the Policy Manual.