THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women
(BPW Canada) urges the Government of Canada, specifically the Minister of Finance, the Minister for
Women and Gender Equality and Youth, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the
Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion to implement a tax incentive for a five year period,
which can be claimed by public and private companies, if throughout a given taxation year, more than
35% of such company’s board members and senior officers are qualified women, and more than 21%
of such company’s board members and senior officers are qualified members of under-represented
groups, which equates to achieving 70% of the two goals set forth by the Canadian Government in its
50-30 Challenge;
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that BPW Canada urges the Government of Canada, specifically, the
Minister of Finance, the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, the Minister of
Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion to publicly
announce the creation of this new tax incentive and to explain the reasons why it is important to offer
such an incentive.