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The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women

Projects & Partners

Canadian Coalition to Empower Women


Women's W.O.R.K. (Women Offering Resources and Knowledge)

W.O.R.K. stands for Women Offering Resources and Knowledge.  This charitable organization provides financial support for educational seminars that are sponsored through BPW clubs across Canada.

Up For Debate

“When it comes time to elect our next government in October, we want to see party leaders explain how they plan to build a more equal Canada for us all, and make meaningful commitments to change women’s lives for the better, at home and around the world. This must start with a nationally broadcast leaders’ debate on issues identified by women in all their diversity.

Almost 35 years ago during the 1984 election, political party leaders John Turner, Brian Mulroney, and Ed Broadbent did just that.

Do you think the fight for gender equality and women’s rights has been won since then? We thinks that’s Up for Debate.”