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The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women


  • Most local clubs meet monthly. Find a club in your city here.
  • AGMs and Social events are often held in May and June.
  • Provincial AGM/Conferences are held annually in late Spring or early Fall.
  • A National Convention is held every two years usually during the summer.
  • A National AGM is held every two years (alternating with the convention).
  • The International Congress is held every three years..
Each club has its own Board of Directors or Executive, usually made up of a President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairs of Standing Committees. The executive is elected at the club’s Annual General Meeting and holds office for a term (depending on the club, some terms are one year and others two years). Clubs set their own agenda for the work they do. Some offer mentorship, others offer scholarships while most champion priority areas affecting women such as equal pay, empowerment of women, health and childcare, as well as mark international days and themes that align with national and international focus areas.

Members in good standing are those who have paid their annual fees in May and continue to support the aims and objectives of the organization. Members are encouraged to attend regular monthly meetings, bring guests, share their areas of expertise, engage as mentors, participate and lead committees, stand for office as well as attend national and international meetings and events.

Each club sets its own fees. The average is about $160 per year depending on the location and priority areas. This amount includes fees to the provincial organization and the national and international federations.

A member of any club in Canada can transfer her membership to any other club in Canada at no cost.

As an advocacy group, BPW must address issues at the appropriate level of jurisdiction. The provincial organizations lobby provincial governments and other organizations on matters of provincial concerns. BPW Canada addresses issues that are of national interest.

BPW Canada has a special category of membership for women who are under 35 years of age called Young BPW. Young BPW is part of an international network of members in this age category. Many clubs now have a Young BPW committee chairperson, which may hold special meetings to address issues of particular concern to young business and professional women. For more information, visit the Young BPW page.
Click here for a list of clubs in Canada.

We are always looking to start new clubs.  If you have a group of 10 business and professional women ready to start a club, we want to hear from you.  Contact the Vice President for Membership here.  If you’re a member, log in as a member to access the guide and PowerPoint on how to set up a club.  These resources are available in the Member Menu under Membership.

Click here to learn about the BPW Canada Online Club.  

BPW International & UN

The Most Important Network

Under the emblem of the United Nations, BPW Representatives work
for different committees and organizations.

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