The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women


In Partnership

BPW Canada as a founding member spearheaded and continues to be in partnership with the Canadian Coalition to Empower Women (CCEW). The CCEW exists to advance gender equality and the economic empowerment of women in all their rich diversity and genders; by reimagining how an inclusive intersectional approach and collaborative partnerships can sustain strong economies, build accessible and equitable societies to improve the quality of life for all Canadians and their families in communities across Canada.

Grounded in the fundamental values of inclusion, diversity, equity and access, and supporting local grassroots change makers to leverage a number of emerging national initiatives such as the IDEAS4GenderEquality, and the 50-30 Challenge and universal guidance of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and online platform, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Generation Equality Action Coalitions (GEF) the CCEW promotes awareness and builds partnerships with all stakeholders groups committed to achieving gender equality and inclusive diversity in Canada.

Stakeholders can keep informed and access the most current resources and supports tailored to their specific needs at

BPW & CCEW: IDEAS for Gender Equality - IDEAS4GE Project

(COVID-19 Feminist Response & Recovery)

The BPW/CCEW COVID-19 Feminist Response and Recovery Project is designed to leverage the heightened awareness and societal sensitivity to how gender and intersectional factors have disproportionately impacted Canadian women throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

It recognizes the importance of ensuring that the individual experiences and unique needs of all Canadian women in all their diversity are included in the post-COVID-19 recovery plans of key stakeholders. The project uses an intentional inclusive outreach and engagement strategy to build capacity for informed intersectional gender-based equality and solution-building by Canadian businesses, community organizations and government stakeholders.

Collaborative multi-stakeholder partnerships in action will address the systemic vulnerabilities and gender-based bias and inequities highlighted by the pandemic. Through the project’s IDEAS4GE Innovation Challenge, solution-builders will spark impactful IDEAS – for Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, Access, and Solutions in Canada’s workplace, marketplace and communities.

Learn more about the IDEAS4GE Project

Join the IDEAS4GE Online Community and Be the Change!

Learn more about the WEPs

Entrepreneurs in Business of all sizes and business associations such as the Chambers of Commerce and all BPW Clubs can now Sign the WEPs.

Join the Growing number (1,863+) of participating organizations

Governments at all levels, Civil Society and all Other Organizations can support Gender Equality, inclusion, diversity, equity and access by joining the 50 – 30 Challenge

Learn more about



BPW Canada is a founding member spearheaded and continues to be in partnership with CCEW.

Gender-Based Analysis + : What is it and Why?

View Now on Youtube

WEPs In a Post-COVID World Webinar

April 24, 2021: BPW Canada partnered with the Canadian Coalition to Empower Women (CCEW) and BPW UK in a webinar: Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) In a Post-COVID World. BPW Canada members, Doris Hall (BPW London and BPW Canada WEPs Chair) and Sheila Crook (BPW Bowmanville and BPW Canada Women’s Empowerment Coach) were the featured presenters.

Click here or on the image below to view their PowerPoint Presentation.


August 31, 2020 BPW International/UN Women WEPs team webinar: “The Women’s Empowerment Principles: A Transformational Framework to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship“. Featured BPW Canada’s President, Linda Davis and BPW Canada’s WEPs Implementation Coach, Sheila Crook.