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The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women

BPW Briefs

What is a Brief?

Resolutions passed at a Provincial Conference/AGM or National AGM/Convention often contain directives to urge the provincial or federal governments and/or as appropriate specific ministries to take some sort of action. These directives outlined in the approved resolution Therefore Be It Resolved statements are consolidated into a written brief for submission to the various government ministries, and leaders of the opposition parties. A copy of the brief is circulated to Club Presidents for use at the local and/or provincial levels, i.e. for issuing press releases, and/or arranging meetings with their community-based Member of Provincial Parliament representatives or Members of Federal Parliament (MP).

Opportunities to meet with the ministries affected by the resolutions enclosed in the brief are requested/granted. These meetings provide a further opportunity to strengthen our relationships with decision-makers and to reinforce how and why we feel our resolutions should be implemented. A report of these meetings and correspondence is communicated to the membership through emails, routine mailings, annual reports and the website.

Briefs to Prime Minister

BPW Canada members presenting Brief to Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson: Elsie Gregory MacGill, Nazla Dane (circa 1966)

February 1967 Brief to Government: Isabel Menzies, Nazla Dane and Charlotte I. VanDine with Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson

1970 Brief to Government: Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Margaret Ashdown, Charlotte I. VanDine, Janet Follett