The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women

BPW Canada Resolutions & Briefs

Commendation: CHILD CARE NOW

Karin Gorgerat handing out a 2024 Commendation to Child Care Now

Commendation: Senator Yvonne Boyer

November 16, 2020: Karin Gorgerat, President BPW Canada 2020-2022, presenting Commendation to Senator Yvonne Boyer.
BPW Canada Commendation Certificate
Click the image above to enlarge.

History of Women's Rights

BPW Commendations

At its Biennial Conventions as well as Annual General Meetings, BPW Canada members occasionally approve Commendations for individuals and/or organizations that support our mission and mandate and work to help move our agenda forward.

Commendation: 2024

Child Care Now – commends Child Care Now for their unwavering advocacy and commitment to affordable, accessible, inclusive, and high-quality childcare; advancing human rights for children, women, and families in all their diversity. 

Dr. Martha Paynter – commends Dr. Martha Paynter for her past, current and forthcoming work in reproductive health, reproductive rights, and reproductive justice for all women in Canada. 

Government of Canada – commends the Government of Canada for its historic contribution to establish a national early learning and child care system, advancing the social and economic rights of women, children, and their families.

My Voice My Choice – commends the victim-complainants of My Voice My Choice for their dedication in pursuing changes to Section 486.4 of the Criminal Code of Canada, and in participating in the development of Bill S-12, which now allows all victims of sexual assault in Canada to have a voice and a choice over the use of a publication ban on their name in a sexual assault trial.

Commendation: 2023

BPW Canada acknowledges and commends Lisa LaFlamme for her remarkable leadership and mentorship, for informing, educating and empowering others and for her dedication to shining a light on the darkness and helping to make positive changes in the domains of equality, democracy and humanity, especially for women and girls.

BPW Canada acknowledges and commends Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne for her commitment and dedication to the protection of Canadian children

Commendation: 2021

Dr. Theresa Tam – acknowledges and commends Dr. Theresa Tam for her leadership role in guiding Canadians through the Covid-19 pandemic, keeping them informed and updated as the pandemic progresses and the science evolves, as well as her work with Provincial Health Officers on the mass immunization program needed to protect Canadians.

Equal Voice: Daughters of the Vote, Getting to the Gate, Systemic Change – acknowledges and commends Equal Voice for their three initiatives: Getting to the Gate Guidebook, Daughters of the Vote program and Gender-Sensitive Legislature Report.

Chief Commissioner Marie Claude Landry – commends Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) Marie-Claude Landry for her lifelong humanitarian effort, compassion and perseverance in denouncing systemic racism and discrimination, and advocating for the human rights of women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, LGBTQ2S+, radicalized people, those living in poverty, prisoners and many more.

Commendation: 2020

At the 2020 Virtual National Convention, members approved the following commendation:

BPW Canada acknowledges and commends the groundbreaking work of Senator Yvonne Boyer in bringing awareness of the issue of coerced and forced sterilization of Indigenous women in Canada; educating government, health professionals and Indigenous women; and working to find solutions to abolish this practice.

Commendations: 2019

At the 2019 National AGM in Montreal, Quebec, members approved the following commendations:

  1. Acknowledging the Work of the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada for Addressing Implicit Gender Biases in the STEM Fields – BPW Canada commends the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for funding the Engendering Success in STEM (ESS) Consortium. The Consortium works towards eradicating implicit gender biases in the STEM fields that are a detriment to women in pursuing and attaining rewarding careers in those fields.

  2. Acknowledging Canada hosting the 2019 Women Deliver Conference – BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada on its internationally recognized work on gender equality, as evidenced by the decision by Women Deliver to hold their 2019 Conference, in Vancouver, on 3-6 June 2019. These conferences are the world’s largest on the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women in the 21st century. These serve as a catalyst for advocates working to advance human rights for women and achieve a more gender-equal world.

Commendations: 2018

At the 2018 National Convention in Ottawa, ON, members approved the following commendations:

  1. Declaration of Equal Pay Day March 18, 2012 – BPW Canada commends the City of Selkirk and Mayor Larry Johannson for their continued support of the full participation of women in their enterprises and nurturing a culture of sustainability and corporate responsibility as a key goal benefiting all and for annually proclaiming March 18th as Equal Pay Day in Selkirk, Manitoba.

  2. Commendation for Malala Yousafzai -BPW Canada acknowledges the courageous and accomplished Malala Yousafzai with a commendation reflecting her ongoing efforts to advocate and fund girls’ education throughout the world.

  3. Government of Canada, Department of Finance Canada, Budget of February 27, 2018 – BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada, Department of Finance Canada, for addressing the concerns of gender and pay equity and other issues including economic and health that affect women, in their most recent budget and encourages the Government of Canada to continue to work to address issues, including child care, safety and employment opportunities, that will assist women in reaching gender equity in Canada.

  4. Government of Canada – BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada on its principle to always speak up for human rights and women’s rights and the manifestation of this policy in its recent communication about the actions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Commendation to Government:

Commendations: 2017

At the National AGM in Greater Moncton, NB, members approved the following commendation:

BPW Canada commends the cities of Winnipeg, Manitoba and Edmonton, Alberta for joining the United Nations’ Women’s Global Flagship Initiative “Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces.” Each city’s efforts in ending sexual violence so that women and girls can feel safe and live free of violence demonstrate leadership on this important issue for other Canadian cities to follow.

Commendations: 2016

At the 2016 BPW Canada Convention members approved the following commendations:

  1. Canadian Football League: BPW Canada commends the Canadian Football League and its Members’ Association for their historic policy on violence against women and their ongoing support in educating their members on the prevention of violence and the issues surrounding it.

  2. Government of Canada: BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada for appointing a gender-balanced Cabinet.

  3. Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Minister of Status of Women: BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada, specifically the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Minister of Status of Women, who have collectively confirmed that the national inquiry will be launching following a thorough, respectful consultation process with families directly impacted by these missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.

  4. Government of Canada: BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada for its commitment to reduce the gender wage gap and to work in collaboration with all stakeholders to declare a National Equal Pay Day.

  5. Bank of Montreal: BPW Canada commends the Bank of Montreal for taking the initiative to launch a specific “Women in Leadership” investment fund to support companies that advance women in business.

  6. Global Affairs Canada: BPW Canada commends Global Affairs Canada for hosting the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment held in Ottawa, Ontario on June 6, 2016 and the Government of Canada for its leadership and commitment to empower women globally through the continued support of the powerful UN Women – resource for women’s economic empowerment around the world.

Commendations: 2015

At the 2015 BPW Canada AGM members approved the following commendations:

  1. Crystal Sissons – BPW Canada commends BPW Ottawa member, BPW Canada historian and author, Crystal Sissons, for launching her book “Queen of the Hurricanes: The Fearless Elsie MacGill”, to share the incredible accomplishments of Elsie MacGill and encourage young women and girls to enter STEM careers.

  2. Advisory Council on Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders – BPW Canada commends the Minister of Labour, the Minister of Status of Women and Government of Canada’s commitment to increase mentorship among women entrepreneurs. The formation of a two-year Advisory Council on Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders will provide a forum for the exchange of views, experiences, best practices and solutions on issues related to helping women succeed in starting and growing their businesses.

  3. Minister of Foreign Affairs Trade & Development – BPW Canada commends the Government of Canada, specifically the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development for funding the Women’s Economic Empowerment Knowledge Gateway as an important resource for men and women from around the world to explore, connect, discuss, and learn how together we can drive the agenda for gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

  4. Madame Thérèse Casgrain BPW Canada commends the Thérèse Casgrain Foundation for their ongoing work for the advancement of Women.

  5. Advisory Council for Promoting Women on Boards – BPW Canada commends the Minister of Labour, the Minister of Status of Women and the Government of Canada’s commitment to promote women on boards by forming the Advisory Council which aspires for women to attain 30% of all board positions over the next five years and has also outlined a roadmap for making this happen.

Commendations: 2014

At the 2014 National Convention in Saskatoon, SK, members approved the following commendation:

BPW Canada commends the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and its Standing Committee on Increasing Women’s Participation in Municipal Government for its work in raising awareness of and seeking support to ensure women make up 30% of municipal councils by 2026.

Commendations: 2013

At the 2013 BPW Canada AGM, held virtually, members approved the following Commendation:

To Alaina Podmorrow and the organization “Little Women for Little Women Afghanistan” for the selfless work in raising awareness of human rights abuse of girls in Afghanistan by the Taliban, who refuse to allow girls an education, and for fundraising almost $400,000 to help pay for teachers and education supplies.

Commendations: 2012

At the 2012 BPW Canada Convention, in London, Ontario, members approved three commendations.

  1. To The Body Shop for its campaign resulting in a 570,000 signature petition calling the Government of Canada to help stop sex trafficking and supporting a national action plan to combat human sex trafficking.

  2. To Sally Armstrong for her efforts in bringing the conditions of the women in Afghanistan to our attention in 1996 and for her continued efforts in maintaining the awareness of the condition for women and children in both Afghanistan and internationally.

  3. To Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews and Minister of Public Works and Government Services and the Minister for the Status of Women, Rona Ambrose for their efforts in launching the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking.

Commendations: 2011

At the 2011 BPW Canada AGM in Ottawa, Ontario members approved three commendations.

  1. To the Ontario Pay Equity Commission for their work to address the persisting wage gap and bring about economic equality for women in Ontario. Specifically acknowledging the partnership between BPW Ontario and the Pay Equity Commission – “You Are Worth it” self-directed learning module on compensations pitfalls and how to manage them. It is through the generosity of the Ontario Pay Equity Commission that BPW Canada has been able to share this wonderful resource with members across Canada and around the world. 

  2. Timea E. Nagy and the organization Walk With Me (WWM) for selflessly working to bring the evils of human trafficking and the slave trade to the attention of people within and beyond Canada.  Their counseling, training and educational endeavours to see the eradication of human trafficking are praiseworthy and offer the real possibility for achieving their objective.

  3. Manitoba MP Joy Smith for her continuing advocacy on behalf of women and girls who have or may in the future, be subjected to human trafficking.
Sheila Crook, Manitoba MP Joy Smith and Doris Hall
London members Sheila Crook (left) and Doris Hall (right) present commendation to Manitoba MP Joy Smith (centre)

Commendation: 2008

At its 2008 Convention in Winnipeg, BPW Canada members approved a commendation.

Commended Louise Arbour, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, for her life-long efforts in advocating for human rights, including full gender equality, for the expansion of human rights presence around the world and for being instrumental in doubling the UN High Commissioner’s office’s annual budget to $100 million.

Commendation: 2007

Grand Master Tae Eun Lee of Ottawa, Ontario, for promoting the development of strong and healthy spirits minds and bodies of women through women’s self-defense classes in the City of Ottawa. In this endeavour they enhance Canadian society by teaching self-defense measures that build the confidence of women in their own safety and well-being. BPW Virtual Club’s Crystal Sissons made the presentation.

Commendation: 2006

At the 2006 National Convention members approved the following commendations:

  1. The Canadian Women’s Foundation for its initiative in launching an Investment Fund for Girls in 2005, and for its efforts throughout the years in investing in the power of women and the dreams of girls. Founded in 1991, the mandate of the Canadian Women’s Foundation is to raise money and make grants to help stop violence against women and girls and to build economic independence for women and their children.
  2. Stephen Lewis, former Special Envoy to the United Nations on HIV/AIDS, for his efforts in advocating for the creation of a new UN Agency
    that would give a greater voice to women of the world.
  3. The Canadian Women’s Hockey Team was commended for winning world championships and Olympic medal, for representing Canada with determination, honour and skill on and off the ice, and for being role models for girls and young women, and teaching them to follow their dreams.

Commendation: 2005

Dove Canada for its support of the National Eating Disorder Information Centre and of the Quebec Association for assistance to persons suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia, and for its efforts, through its advertising campaign “Campaign for Real Beauty,” to encourage positive self-esteem in women and girls.